Sarah and Dennis – Love of my Life
Dennis proposed to his Sarah on a beautiful sandy beach in California.
Back home they met photographer Sarina Kullman of VergissMeinNicht Fotografie for this adorable engagement-shooting.
We totally fell in love with this cute couple – it´s unbelievable how much happiness, familiarness and naturalness they spread! It makes us smile watching them interact so easily in front of the camera.
A nursery garden and a small creek were the perfect sceneries for these dreamlike snap-shots.
With this breathtaking world of pictures Sarina of VergissMeinNicht Fotografie proofs her huge talent and sure insinct impressively.
Translation: Marina Jenewein
FOTOGRAFIE: Sarina Kullmann – VergissMeinNicht Fotografie
LOCATION: Baumschule Huben
HAARE UND MAKE-UP: Stephanie Beyer