The ultimate emergency kit for the wedding
What the bride and groom should definitely take with them
The wedding day is one of the most beautiful days in a couple’s life, but it can also be quite stressful. So that you don’t have to worry about anything and can enjoy the day to the full, you should put together a well thought-out emergency kit. This kit will save you in any unexpected situation and ensure that your big day runs smoothly. Here are the must-haves for your wedding emergency kit:
For the bride
Make-up set
- Lipstick, powder, mascara and concealer (keep the lipstick to hand during the shoot)
- Make-up sponges and brushes
- Hairspray and hairpins
Sewing kit
- Needles, thread in matching colors, scissors
- Safety pins in various sizes for quick repairs
Hygiene articles
- Deodorant, Perfume
- Tampons or pads
- Wet wipes
- Spare shoes (flat ballerinas or sandals)
- Tights or stockings
- Blister plasters and normal plasters
- Possibly a comfortable dress for changing and dancing
For the groom
Care products
- Deodorant and perfume
- Comb or brush
Sewing kit
- Safety pins, needles and thread
- Shoe polish and shoe brush
- Spare shirt and socks
- Cufflinks and tie pin
- In hot temperatures: possibly another suit to change into
For both
- ID cards
- Copy of the schedule and contact details of the vendors
- Chargers for cell phone and possibly camera
- Powerbank
Snacks and drinks
- Muesli bars, nuts or other small snacks, possibly glucose
- Water bottles
- Handkerchiefs (for tears of joy), sunscreen, mosquito repellent
- Mini first aid kit, plaster
- Painkillers (e.g. aspirin)
- Contact lenses and solution (if you wear contact lenses)
Tip: Store everything in an easily accessible bag or box
Make sure that your emergency kit is kept in a bag or box that is easily accessible. The best place to store it is in a room that is always accessible to you during the wedding day, such as the bridal or groom’s suite. Also let a close friend or family member know where the emergency kit is so they can help you in an emergency.
A well-equipped emergency kit can save you a lot of stress on your wedding day and ensure that small mishaps can be quickly resolved. Remember that the most important thing is to enjoy the day and not let little mishaps spoil the fun. With these tips, you’ll be well prepared and can enjoy your wedding to the fullest!

Photo: Stefanie Lange