
10 tips for stress-free wedding planning


1. Set priorities

Wedding planning is time-consuming and stressful. Often, at the beginning of planning, you can not even think of all the questions and details ahead. You usually do not know exactly what to expect. It is therefore good if you ask yourselves as a couple at the beginning, what is most important to you.

Is it the food, the party, the relaxation or the desire for a day of luxury?

What do you want to spend more money on and what is not so important to you?

If you agree on this, then for each decision you can check if the expense is important or if you can do without it.


2. Set a budget

If you know what is most important to you, then you can start a rough budget planning. The largest part of the budget is usually needed for the location with the room rental, the food and drinks. The more guests you want to invite, the more budget you need. As a first rough figure you can calculate with 200 € per person for food and drinks. If you choose a location with additional room rental, start the party especially early in the day, choose a particularly high-quality food and expensive wines, and want to offer long drinks, cocktails and a midnight snack, then it will be more expensive.

All other services are added to the calculation.

At this point, it makes sense to consider whether there is someone in the family, such as parents or grandparents, who would like to contribute financially or give something in addition. It is best to talk directly as to plan with a budget that you don’t have.

If the budget is tight, one option is to reduce the number of guests.

When planning the budget, it is always beneficial to plan for a buffer, as there is usually something in the end that you didn’t think of when you first planned the budget.


3. Make a to do list

A to do list with a schedule soothes the conscience: What do I do and when? And what have I already done? With the help of a list, you can keep track of everything and schedule when you want to get things done. It’s also best to discuss responsibilities. If you agree on who will do what, then no one will be disappointed during the planning.

The more you have done on the list, the calmer you will be when the wedding date approaches. It’s best to have everything done a week before the wedding.


4. Delegate

Wedding planning is so extensive and time-consuming, so it is very good to delegate tasks. If the budget is there, then a wedding planner should be hired right at the beginning.

But even without a planner you can be very well supported. Hand over all small tasks as early as possible to witnesses or family, so that you can concentrate on the most important things. Discuss concretely what you want and what you don’t want, so that no resentment arises. And ask them if they can and want to do it, so that you don’t ask too much of them.

It is especially good if you find service providers who offer set-up and dismantling services. Setups and decorations are very often underestimated. If you want to prepare everything yourself with family and friends, it can be very stressful.

Especially on the day of the wedding you should let go and appoint a contact person for guests, location and service providers, so that you can enjoy the day with your loved ones to the fullest.


5. Hire a wedding planner

A professional at your side is very reassuring. Besides, as a couple, you always have a neutral opinion and advice to decide all the small and big questions. The Wedding Planner advises on the daily schedule and budget issues. And also has things in mind that you would forget on your own. A Wedding Planner knows many more locations than you can find on the internet alone and has experience with them and with all other service providers.

On the wedding day, support is also perfect so that even the closest circle like the bridesmaids and groomsmen can enjoy the day with you.


6. Do not compare your wedding with other weddings

Every wedding should be individual. Even if there are many weddings in the circle of family and friends, you should not build up additional pressure detached from them. In the end, your wedding should only please you and suit you. You don’t have to please anyone or do anyone a favor. Be true to yourselves and don’t compare your wedding plans with those of others.


7. Do not take small things so seriously

If the favorite flower does not bloom, maybe there is a similar one in the same color?

If you don’t find the decoration exactly as you imagined, borrow something similar. Don’t take the things you can’t change too seriously, there is very often an alternative. And in most cases, the alternative is actually the better choice in the end.

However, if it is a very big limitation, then think about it again calmly. There is nothing worse than spending a lot of money and regretting it later. In this case, it is better to reschedule during the planning phase.


8. Plan breaks between the planning times

If you have made a to-do list, then you can plan your time appropriately. But remember, planning breaks are important to switch off and stay relaxed. You should always keep it fun despite the detailed planning. If you schedule conscious rest periods and couple time, you will be able to focus better during the planning phases.


9. Stay physically and mentally fit

Despite stressful wedding planning, you should stay physically and mentally fit. Short regular sports sessions are not only good for the wedding figure, but also good to clear your head. However, don’t plan too much exercise and too much dieting. An extreme diet makes you moody and stresses you out. You are well advised to plan relaxation moments after sports as well. You might even find a new sport that you both like and keep after the wedding.


10. Keep the most important things in mind

In all the planning, it is good to keep the most important thing in mind: You want to marry the love of your life, everything else is not so important!

So stay positive, have fun with the preparations and enjoy your big day!

Photography: Vivid Symphony
Wedding Planner: Janine Stange, Team Sarah Linow
Venue: Hotel de Rome
Couple: Chal & Marwin

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