
Autum and Scott – Dreamy Moments For Two


Magnolia Plantation and Gardens is one of those magical places full of charm that nobody can resist.

Idyllically situated at the Ashley River it is one of the oldest landscape gardens in the USA. Huge oak trees covered with wildly growing Spanish moss, spaciously green meadows with browsing sheeps and an overwhelmingly beautiful park made this property a dreamlike location for every bridal couple.

Of course it is also suitable for unforgettable engagement-shootings. Autum and Scott enjoy this romantic scenery, the silence and their intense time of togetherness.

It seems like the world stopped turning for a moment – they are totally smitten and at one with nature.

Joe and Kathleen from JoPhoto captured the couple´s most beautiful moments on heavenly dreamy pictures that get under the skin.

Translation: Marina Jenewein


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LOCATION: Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
FILM LAB: PhotoVision



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