

Beautiful Flowers and its Facets


It does not always have to be the bright white dress, the elaborately designed stationery or the antique family jewelry – artist Jacob of Brumley & Wells presents us bridal inspirers with a difference.

Also in focus here: a young, desirable woman. Either way, it’s about beauty and its many facets. About femininity and its innumerable charms. About uniqueness and its many faces.

An exciting challenge that the photographer gladly accepted and magically visualized in front of his camera through an exclusive selection of dresses, locations and flowers.

Support was provided to photographer Jacob by Floral designer Katie Murphy of Bloom 52 Floral Co. Her extraordinary “bridal bouquets” provided color accents and at the same time combined the three great themes of beauty, uniqueness and femininity.

We are thrilled with so much individuality and creativity that the entire team has brought these glowing impressions to life with and look forward to the colorful and light-hearted variety that Brumley & Wells’ images bring to us here.





PHOTOGRAPHY – Brumley & Wells
FLORALS – Katie Murphy of Bloom 52 Floral Co
MODEL – Annie Brooks of The Wells Makery


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