
Breathtaking Canyon Bridal Inspirations


Not just the depth, the width and the color of this canyon leave us breathless, even more spectacular are the breathtaking bridal inspirations that leave us speechless.

A firework of colors like you don´t see it very often unfolds before our eyes, presenting the sun as main actor. Letting the rocks shine red and the little vegetation sparkle golden.

All that just to frame a young woman´s beauty properly. No abyss seems too steep, no crevice too narrow, no ledge too small for her. Free like a bird she explores this naturally evolved artwork to fulfill it with her grace.

What an amazing location! What an unbelievable atmosphere! We can only imagine how impressive this place must be in real life, as photographer Jenny Losee told us: “It was like stepping onto planet Mars! Red rocks towering way above, funky stone sculptures, and to add to it, the trees were yellow, orange and red! It was such a stunning setting.“

An exceptional scenery like this needs an equally exceptional team to develop one-of-a-kind bridal inspirations like those. And that´s why Wildflower Boise created a stunning bouquet of dried flowers, matching the autumnal colorful atmosphere.

Also the bridal dress by Grace Loves Lace delights with alluring finesse and imposing presence.

We are overwhelmed by the interaction between nature and wonderful vendors and can´t wait to show you the fantastic images shot by Jenny Losee.

Translation: Marina Jenewein



PHOTOGRAPHER: Jenny Losee Photography
DRESS: Grace Loves Lace
DRIED FLOWERS: Wildflower Boise



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