

Bridal Bouquet in Perfection


It´s getting exciting, captivating and fascinating when inspirations suddenly involve two protagonists, when they call: bridal bouquet meets bride.

The deserted salt flats lays like an endless sandy beach at her feet. Just like the coasts of the seas, this soil also remembers every step of her way. Hoping and longing, her eyes wander around restlessly.

 What is she looking for? What is she waiting for? Who is she hoping for?

Nothing but silence and loneliness surrounds her in this barren place. Not even a light wind blows, that wants do play with her long hair or dance with her simple Carol Hannah dress. She closes her eyes and dreams. Dreams about fragrant art and floral splendor…

For the weddings of his couples and his own visions, photographer Jeremy Chou travels the globe. In Utah, USA, he captured the dream of this magical bride for us: „This bouquet was inspired by the dream-like terrain and highlighted by the soft light of sunset.“ he told us. „The deep purple anemones, blue delphiniums, and fragrant lavender roses come together in this lush bouquet to create a unified piece that exemplifies the colors of its surroundings.“

Did you notice that not a single green leaf was processed in this magnificent bouquet of Monarch Floral Design? Of course, that’s no coincidence, as we learn from Jeremy: „I left the bouquet free of greenery in order to keep the saturated palette pure and vibrant. The blue delphiniums give this bouquet the perfect touch of delicate texture and break up the bold hues beautifully.“

With his vivid imagery, Jeremy Chou shows us that it does not have to be either-or. Instead, a bride and her bridal bouquet, together with their surroundings, can merge into a flawless painting…




PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeremy Chou Photography
DRESS: Carol Hannah
FLORALS: Monarch Floral Design
HAIR AND MAKEUP: makeupbysamathaj



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