

Bridal Inspirations In Motion


Bridal inspirations in motion were brought to us today from Taipei by photographer Amelia Soegijono and stylists Annie and Terrie from Olea & Fig. Exotic and yet somehow familiar. Foreign and somehow touching.

Her body is stretched to the fingertips and yet every gesture looks graceful and soft. Her expression is powerful and strong and yet we catch a glimpse of her fragile soul. There is not a word coming from her lips, it is her movements telling us her story…

A story that life once wrote, as we learn from Olea & Fig:„The dancer walked us through her journey before the shoot. She told us about how dancing has shaped her identity, gifted her tremendous resilience, and accompanied her through ups and downs in life.“

And so it quickly became the meaningful theme of the current Elan Vital Workshops, as we are told:„We wanted to portray the connection between a dancer and her ballet shoes, and that slight uncertainty and nervousness she still experiences before every big performance, no matter how many times she has performed. But as always, as she gets ready, she regains her confidence, focus, and strength, and put on an impeccable Performance.“

Also the collaboration of the entire creative team was perfect. For example, Twig Studio created stunning floral arrangements that served as a bridal bouquet, centerpiece or wall design, and a gaudy, extravagant Carol Hannah bridal gown emphasized each and every one of the dancer’s artful moves.

Isn´t it amazing how tangible and vivid photographer Amelia Soegijono captured each of them? In her wonderful gallery, you can convince yourself and let the soulful picture story take effect on you…




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