
Love needs no Words


His lips come closer to hers, his breath triggers tingle in her belly. Totally in love he bathes his nose into her hair to inhale the scent of love. Proud to find security in him she falls into his strong arms.

Gently she scratches his head, nestling her cheek to his face. Exchanging familiar looks without saying a word, thoughts become readable for the other. Blessed smiles and huddling up to each other, preferably all day and night…

Arm in arm, skin on skin – hearts seek love and love needs closeness, as much as possible. Whether if it´s in the joint kitchen, the loft-like living room or the cozy love nest – no matter where, there´s always time for tender touches and meaningful gestures.

The great pictures shot by photographer Julie Cate show impressively how beautiful and heartwarming it can be not only to relish these valuable moments but also to capture them on camera.

With her sure instinct for big emotions and little moments she gave soulful memories to the gorgeous couple and us to dream away the day…

Translation: Marina Jenewein


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PHOTOGRAPHER: Julie Cate Photography 
DRESSES: Raquel Allegra + Philosophy di Lorenzo 
LOCATION: Couple’s Loft Brooklyn


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