


Pink and purple shimmering fields as far as the eye can see – it’s the swaying grass setting the tone to these natural bridal inspirations.

Excitedly the bride answers the call of nature, crowning her style with light and bold pink flowers. She carries the bouquet lovingly in front of her dress to let contrasts unfold.

Under a tree on the meadows of Lueneburg Heath she presents herself as part of the total artwork in the proper light which shines golden and somehow pink through the leaves…

How event stylist Irka Fürle of PomPom your life and her team were able to convince even the sun of their color theme remains their secret.

But what we know is that Rieke Rahlfes of Milles Fleurs is a true artist who created a masterpiece with this stunning bridal bouquet.

Just like Katharina Ostenda of Poesie der Feder who becharms us with one-of-a-kind paper goods.

Another highlight of this shoot was the exceptional dress of Siödam Couture with its fascinating lace top and a floating skirt to die for…

In the end it was the job of photographer Anja Schneemann to capture this synthesis of the arts so impressively. Well done!

Translation: Marina Jenewein




FOTOGRAFIE: Anja Schneemann Photography
DEKORATION & EVENTSTYLING: Irka Fühle von PomPom your life
BLUMEN: Rieke Rahlfes von Milles Fleurs
BAKERY: Eghlima Kiaei von Mundus Hannover
PAPETERIE: Katharina Ostenda von Poesie der Feder
KLEID DESIGNER: Willowby von Watters
KLEID ATELIER: via Siödam Couture
HAARE & MAKE-UP: Ria Saage
MODEL: Adrienne Baumgarten 
LOCATION: Lüneburger Heide



anja schneemann-klein 






Anja Schneemann                        Siödam Couture



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