Poetry of the Nature of Love by Petra Veikkola Photography
It is a celebration of the wild-spirited bride and the poetry of the nature of love; a yin and yang of the solid and dark and the delicate and light.
It is a celebration of the wild-spirited bride and the poetry of the nature of love; a yin and yang of the solid and dark and the delicate and light.
Enamored looks, tender kisses, gentle touches, beaming smile – what seems like the magic of every beginning actually is the anniversary of Madeline and Taylor.
Her first thoughts in the morning are all about him, artfully eternalized she holds on to them in a love note for the wedding.
In the distance we hear a soft song, melancholic and begging it´s the melody of hearts. The sound of a violin goes on a journey for her, to find the groom who´ll make her his wife.
Inspired by heartbreaking love letters to “Gabrielle” in France of old 1900´s a fantastic team decided to put a complexion on this unknown woman.